Saturday, June 26, 2021

THE MISTY PLACEBO | Sanathan MSSS | Yashwanth T | Sarvani Perla



Architectural Healing

Healthy Cities

Medical Architecture

Behavioural Health


What’s faster than Light? Imagination. Fast enough to zoom into the post-pandemic world and take a peek at how

the world changed its face. The Global COVID 19 Pandemic is a multi-layered catastrophe of the era. The death

toll and economic blow on the country are just the surface effects. Below the tip, we find the deteriorated mental

health of the masses and weakened overall nation's immunity levels. A study of COVID-19 patients has found

that they lose protective immunity within two to three months of recovery, which makes them vulnerable for

other infections easily. The lockdown, which lasted for more than a year, has affected the nation's morality and

has led to an increase in stress, anxiety, and depression among the citizens.




The economic penalties of these physical restrictions are almost palpable, but the cultural complications were

mostly overlooked — specifically, how the seclusion and lonesomeness resulting from social distancing will

affect the larger population and their mental well-being. Humans being social animals, cannot sustain long

periods of isolation. Social gatherings trigger our neurological senses of being accepted and a part of the herd. 

Physical contacts and conversations face-to-face send in indications of security and trust in our systems, which

were vital for us to sustain this pandemic. But social distancing and lockdown opposing the exact have resulted

in unavoidable mental friction. Scores of doctors have reported a shift in the overall subconscious energies of the

population. Being locked away inside the four walls of their homes has triggered irritation and anger against

family members. Though information communication was essential during these times, constant news updates

about positive cases, death tolls, and suffering made everyone feel insecure, fearful, and nervous. A persistent

dread of finding yourself and your loved ones at the risk of getting infected and worrying about the state’s

exhausted medical infrastructure is enough to send shivers down the spine of a common man. Mental health

has always been an underrated illness in our society, and its shock is now witnessed. 


A version of the coronavirus that surfaced in Britain late last year was shocking for many reasons. It came just as

vaccines had offered a glimpse of the end of the pandemic, threatening to dash those hopes. It was far more

contagious than earlier variants, leading to a swift increase in hospitalizations. And perhaps most surprising to

scientists: It had amassed a large constellation of mutations seemingly overnight. 

Some people with weak immune systems have been known to sustain and transmit the virus over long periods.

And their immunity was noted to deteriorate even after the virus leaves their system completely. The Post Covid

world will suffer from a serious lack of immunity among many. The world has to transform into a healthier

environment, which can enhance immunity naturally.  


A placebo is a substance or treatment which is designed to have no therapeutic value. Common placebos include

inert tablets, inert injections, sham surgery, and other procedures. In simpler words, the placebo effect is an

illusion for our subconscious mind. It’s a make-believe setup act to convince your unconscious part of the brain

into believing something which you want to happen. These techniques are closely linked with the Law of

Attraction and the power of subconscious mind concepts. In the medical field, placebo pills are said to have

substantial effects on minor illnesses. In many esoteric teachings, a placebo is extensively used to heal mental

instabilities. Every day, the world around us is used as props to set up a stage that resonates with the desired



Buildings or built environments have an unexplainable impact on mental health. Especially when nature is

involved in the architecture, drastic change in the overall mood in its residents is noticed. What the Post-Pandemic

world needs are to get back to rudiments. In other words, we need natural exposure. The five elements of nature;

Sunlight, Air, Water, Earth, and Trees are the best doctors for mental health and immunity. But that doesn’t mean

we could leave the comforts of our modern world and shift to a tribal lifestyle. Our cities and towns must be

tweaked into slightly more natural settings. 


An Illusion is needed to cover up our concrete world. A placebo pill that will make us believe we live in a better

environment has to be given through built spaces. Cities that allow immense sunlight and natural ventilation,

natural terrain, and landscape will create an illusion that the residents are living in a natural world. Such change

can improve mental health. Sunlight and fresh air are arguably the finest sources of immunity, especially for

lung-related diseases. 


Wider streets and roads bring in sunlight and wind. Sunlight stimulates vitamin D synthesis in our bodies, which

helps immunity development, and the natural breeze eases out the post-covid trauma on our respiratory systems. 

Natural stone, earth, and soil instead of asphalt and concrete can bring in a sense of stability and rootedness in our

minds. We feel safe when being closer to earth as a natural instinct. 

Vegetation and flowing water have always seen a pleasing effect on the human mind. Green foliage and texture

simulate a sense of calmness. This may be because caring for plants suppresses sympathetic nervous system

activity and promotes a comfortable, relaxed, and natural feel. 


This is a theory to get back to rudiments and heal humanity of their pandemic trauma. Medicines or vaccines can

only do a certain damage repair. The whole lifestyle must change. And for the lifestyle to change, our day-to-day

actions, moods, and responses must change. And, because architecture plays a vital role in impacting our everyday

stimuli, a more sensitive approach in spatial design must be adapted. A deeper understanding of nature and

nature-inspired buildings, and their critical analysis shall give positive results. This theory shall lay the foundation

of the post-pandemic world, which shall reignite the hope of mankind’s revival.

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